Today we are going to look at how to design your file description for Ha Tunnel Using HTML.
Welcome back to Eugine Tech.
It's Eugine Pro as usual with another short tutorial.
The Purpose of this tutorial is to let you know that you can set your file description text to your preffered text color, add links, underline or bold text, etc
All of this is done using HTML code, however css is not supported.
So, for those who know HTML and just had not tried out this, go ahead and try it out.
And those who do not know HTML, I have not forgotten about you.
I prepared the code for you below. You can just copy andpaste it, change the words to your own.
Enjoy The Fun!!
<font color="red"> This is red too</font><br>
<b><font color="blue> This is blue and bold</font></b><br>
<font color="green"> This is green</font><br>
<font color="red"><a href=""> Visit Eugine Tech </a></font> <br>
Copy the above code and paste it in the description box and edit to your preference
Also Read:
>How To Create Your Own Ha Tunnel Files.